Audit registration ECG Audits - Step 1 (Price calculator)

Audit products information for registration
The standard ECG audit certification body:
International Federation for the Economy for the Common Good e.V.

Stresemannstr. 23, 22769 Hamburg, Germany VR 24207

The audit process from registration to audit certificate

The company size and price explained in detail.

The company size and price (B)

In which country is the company headquarters?
Full Time Equivalent

Special prices

Nonprofit organization
Discount for non-profit organizations: 20%
Preisnachlass bei WDH Audit mit Deltabericht: 20% Ohne Deltabericht wird ein Wiederholungsaudit wie ein Erstaudit behandelt. Ein Deltabericht/Wiederholungsaudit setzt voraus, dass das letzte Audit (nicht Peerevaluation) nicht älter als 2 Jahre ist (Datum des Testats).
Preisnachlass bei M5.0 Kompaktbilanz: 10%

The cost of your audit engagement:

Net price in (currency)

If you have selected the appropriate price for your audit order, the button on the left will take you to the audit application. The set data and the calculated price are automatically transferred to the order.

Your company data and the necessary files for conducting an audit are stored in the application.

Only when you send the audit order ("Send" button) AND confirm the email link in the order confirmation email received immediately afterwards (check your spam folder if necessary!), the audit order is considered as bindingly placed.

external billing rate in (currency)
Total hours for the audit

Calculation details